Another day, another hilarious excerpt from Shaq’s new book. I expect this to continue until the tome comes out, and quite possibly even after that. Which is fine by me. The Boston Globe has the parts about O’Neal’s adventures as a Celtic: “On the West Coast swing in January, Shaq wanted to get off against the Lakers, but he said even though he was getting good position under the basket, Glen Davis wouldn’t pass him the ball. ‘Big Baby’ Davis kept looking me off and taking it himself. Doc is shouting at him to go inside, but he won’t. So Doc calls timeout and draws up a play for me. I go out there, and I back Andrew Bynum way under the rim. I’m loose, I’m ready. I’ve got Bynum under the basket and again, Baby won’t give me the ball. So I go up to him and say, ‘If you ever miss me again I’m going to punch you in the face.’ I was hot. Two nights later we’re playing in Sacramento and here we go again. I take three shots the entire game and again I’ve got my man isolated underneath the basket, and Baby ignores me and takes a jump shot. So the next time we’re in the huddle I let Baby have it. I tell him, ‘Pass the [expletive] ball inside.’ He [comes] back at me a little bit and now I’m really heated. All hell is breaking loose. We’re going back and forth. Doc is standing there and he’s not saying a word. The message is pretty clear: work this out yourselves. I tell Baby, ‘You’re a selfish player. Everyone on this team knows it.’ Hey, all the fans knew it. He takes shots when he shouldn’t'”