Last night, during the NBA Draft, OJ Mayo looked he’d just been told that his dog got run over by a truck upon hearing of the fact that Kevin McHale and the T’Wolves had selected him as the third overall pick.
Cheer up, OJ. We have some slightly better news for you: You’re going to Memphis, in exchange for Kevin Love and Mike Miller (and a bunch of throw-ins on both sides).
Memphis grabbed the consensus third-best player in the draft, USC’s O.J Mayo. The Grizzlies, who selected UCLA’s Kevin Love with the fifth pick, were completing a deal late Thursday night that will bring them (OJ) Mayo (taken third by Minnesota), Antoine Walker, Marko Jaric and Greg Buckner for Love, Mike Miller, Brian Cardinal and Jason Collins.
The deal still needed NBA approval, according to two league sources.
Mayo joins Mike Conley and Rudy Gay to form one of the more dynamic and exciting backcourts in the League, and Memphis was even savvy enough to get some badly-needed size out of draft, as they acquired Darrell Arthur.
With Kevin Love now a Timberwolf, the Gay-Love era in Memphis never had a chance to take off. ‘Tis a shame.