Victor Cruz Appreciated JR Smith’s Salsa Dance Following Game-Winner

The immortal JR Smith hit a game-winner in Charlotte last night, breaking the Bobcats’ hearts at the buzzer. He then busted out a salsa dance in tribute to his friend, New York Giants wider receiver Victor Cruz. Smith’s moves made Cruz very happy. (On a related, and much funnier note: Michael Jordan didn’t seem to enjoy Smith’s dance at all.) Per the NY Daily News: “Victor Cruz was watching the Knicks game on Wednesday night and ‘almost jumped off the couch’ when he saw his old friend, J.R. Smith, hit a game-winning jump shot at the buzzer. Then it got even better. As Smith came off the court, he celebrated with Cruz’s signature dance. Smith’s version of the Cruz salsa was a pleasant surprise for the former Giants receiver, who grew up with Smith and played AAU basketball with him when they were teenagers in Northern New Jersey. ‘It was good to see,’ Cruz said on Thursday. ‘It’s not every day you hit a game-winner and get to salsa on them a little bit.’ Cruz said it was only a matter of seconds before his phone ‘blew up’ with messages from friends who saw Smith’s dance. Cruz immediately texted his old friend, writing ‘You didn’t have to salsa on them like that. LOL!'”

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