Some NBA Players Will Still Get Paid During the Lockout

Should the NBA lockout wipe out most or all of next season (please, God, let this not be the case), some players will still be receiving regular paychecks. They can thank their forward-thinking agents for that. USA Today reports: “Al-Farouq Aminu, a rookie last season, is one of four clients of agent Raymond Brothers who spread their 2010-11 NBA salaries over 18 or 24 months to continue receiving paychecks if the league-imposed lockout forces the cancellation of games. Memphis Grizzlies forward Zach Randolph, Dallas Mavericks forward Caron Butler and Detroit Pistons guard Ben Gordon, all Brothers clients, have similar setups. If games in 2011-12 are lost, ‘They will not know financially that they’re in a lockout,’ Brothers said. ‘If there is a lockout, you’ll able to pay your bills. And you’re already used to a certain way of living because your paychecks will be consistent.’ Players normally receive bi-weekly paychecks from Nov. 15 to May 1, although some opt for a November to November schedule. But Aminu will receive payments from last season until Nov. 1, 2012. Randolph will be paid through May 1, 2012. It is an unusual arrangement that could turn out to be a savvy financial decision for players. Owners and players are far apart on agreeing to a new collective bargaining agreement and no formal session with high-level negotiators is scheduled.”