The Memphis police department says Lorenzen Wright was murdered, a grim picture that the Commercial Appeal paints: “Sherra Robinson Wright opened her front door one day in recent weeks to find three men she had never seen before, each with guns tucked in their waistbands. They looked serious and wanted to know if her ex-husband, former NBA star Lorenzen Wright, 34, happened to be inside the Whisperwood Drive home visiting his six children. No, she assured them, and they drove away. The frightened Collierville mom rushed to tell her divorce attorney, Gail Mathes, about the scary ordeal and her fears for herself, her children and the ex-husband she still loved, Mathes said. A few weeks later, the athlete made an impromptu visit from his Atlanta-area home to Memphis. A day after his flight arrived, he was gunned down. Memphis police released a statement Thursday verifying Wright’s July 19 death was a homicide caused by gunfire, but they haven’t said if they have any suspects or how many bullets struck him. It’s unknown whether the gunmen who were reportedly looking for Wright at his ex-wife’s home had any involvement in his death or whether the incident she described to her attorney was ever reported to police.”