Now that he’s retired from the NBA, Grant Hill is looking for something else to occupy his time. Television may be Hill’s next career move (along with a number of other business endeavours.) Per IMG Academy (via PBT): “On what he’s up to now… ‘I’m excited that it’s over. It was a long journey in terms of my career. But I’m very excited about the next phase and some broadcasting things I’m looking at some things that we’re working on right now with some of the major networks, so that is something that can keep you in and around the game and around sports. I have a family office in Orlando, and we do a number of things – multi-family apartments, commercial real estate and we’ve been doing that for a while. Then I’m a partner in a fund; we have a mezzanine fund that invests in small businesses and raised a good amount of money. So there’s some things in the business world, some things in sports. I look forward to being more active in the political process, fundraisers and things like that. There’s a lot of things that I want to do, but I think right now, I just want to decompress a little bit and balance business with family and be a more involved parent – not that I wasn’t before – but certainly as you guys at IMG Academy here knows, sports consumes you. So being a supportive husband and father is what I’m up to now.'”