David Stern Threatens to Cancel Entire Season if No Deal By Next Week

If the federal mediator can’t help the players’ union and the League to agree on a deal by next week, NBA commissioner David Stern may not just cancel Christmas games this year (in addition to the games already lost), but the rest of the season could also be in grave danger. Per NBA.com: “Each side is going to meet with the mediator on Monday, and if there’s a breakthrough, it’s going to come on Tuesday,’ Stern said in an interview for NBA TV. ‘And if not, I think that the season is really going to potentially escape from us, because we aren’t making any progress … how many times does it pay to keep meeting, and to have the same things thrown back at you? We’re ready to sit down and make a deal. I don’t believe that the union is. Hopefully by Tuesday, aided by the mediator, they’ll be ready to make a deal. Certainly I’ll bring my owners ready to make a deal.’ Stern said it was ‘awful’ that fans have had to miss out on potential games, and that people who work in the league’s arenas may lose income or their jobs. ‘And that’s why I’m delighted that the mediator is in, because he does represent the President’s view — he is a presidential appointee — and maybe with his moral suasion, we might be able to make a deal.’ Stern said he expected a breakthrough last weekend, when the two sides met for about 12 1/2 hours over two days, but that talks broke down on the luxury tax issue, with the league looking for a more punitive tax than the union was willing to accept.”