Celtics point guard Isaiah Thomas and Allen Iverson hit it off at last year’s All-Star game in Toronto when AI sought out Thomas at an NBA event. The two have kept in touch since and Isaiah recently tweeted that Iverson had texted him and told him to “keep doing ya thing:”
ESPN asked Thomas about their relationship and he said that Iverson’s stamp of approval has been motivating:
“It’s just like, when you have a stamp from arguably the pound-for-pound best player ever, it’s like, I’m not going to listen to nobody else. I already got the stamp. [Iverson] already said I was pretty good and that I’m cut from the same cloth as him. And those type of things only motivate me to keep going.”
Isaiah also went into detail about the text messages he receives from the Answer:
“It was real early in the morning that he texted, like 8:30, so he must have been watching highlights [of the Minnesota game] or something,” Thomas said, unable to muffle a smile. “I told him, ‘I appreciate it and that I’m just trying to be like you.’ He was like, ‘Say no more.’ Those texts man, it just motivates me to keep going. Someone like that is watching me without me even reaching out to him, so I guess I’m doing something right.”
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