Damian Lillard Takes Stand in New Anti-Bullying Campaign

Dame Lillard is starring in a new anti-bullying ad campaign, “RESPECT, Pass It On” that asks people to pledge they will show respect to others. The campaign kicked off Monday with a 30-second ad featuring kids from the Portland non-profit group Friends of the Children. More from the NBA:

Lillard has taken lead along with team in an Anti-Bullying campaign “RESPECT, Pass It On.” that encourages everyone to stand up for the rights of others and formally pledge to show respect for all people. Lillard said, “I’ve lived in three completely different communities and have seen bullying firsthand. If I can make a difference and help kids be more aware of their actions, that’s a big deal for me. I want to be a part of that.” Damian has a personal tie to this initiative and wants to spread the word.

The PSA directs viewers to the website trailblazers.com/respect, where the visitors can take the pledge digitally by using their Facebook account, or by printing and signing a paper copy of the pledge. More than 4,000 people have formally agreed to stand up against bullying in the first 10 days of the campaign. Pledges have come from more than 20 U.S. states and four countries. Additionally, nearly 300 Respect wristbands have been sold in the Trail Blazers Fan Shop.

Today, Lillard will take his campaign to a Portland’s local Parkrose Middle School for a school assembly to promote the Respect Pledge and support the anti-bullying campaign, which has seen widespread success since its original announcement.