Shaquille O’Neal: Kobe Bryant is the Greatest Laker Ever

Shaq continues to promote his new book, and tells KTLA that his former teammate and nemesis Kobe Bryant is the greatest Los Angeles Laker of all time: “Here’s one area of disagreement between Shaquille O’Neal and Kobe Bryant that won’t further fuel the divide between them: debating who deserves to be named the all-time greatest Laker. Bryant has long insisted that Jerry West holds that honor for his role as both a player and a general manager. But O’Neal counters that the recognition should go to Bryant himself. ‘Based on what he’s done, he’s probably the greatest Laker of all time,’ O’Neal said of Bryant on KTLA Monday to promote his book, ‘Shaq Uncut.’ ‘If he gets another championship, he’ll tie with Kareem. That will put him up there.’ … ‘It’s a different kind of great,’ O’Neal said of Bryant. ‘He had the skills to be an all-around player. I’m just a big man so I just do big-man stuff. I’m just in the big-man category.'”

(H/T: LA Times)