Naturally, Bean has never even been to Turkey. But he promises that he’ll totally visit the country now that they’ve thrown a boatload of cash at him. CNBC reports: “It’s a two-year deal that will involve Bryant starring in a promotional film that will be aired on international television channels and in movie theatres in more than 80 countries next year. The company will also use Bryant in digital, print and billboard advertising. ‘I’ve never been to Turkey,’ Bryant said. ‘But all the guys on the team in the league who have been keep saying it’s one of the hottest places to go to.’ Bryant said as part of the deal he’ll make several trips to the country. The airline will begin non-stop service from Los Angeles International Airport to Istanbul, Turkey, four times a week beginning in March. Los Angeles is its fifth North American gateway, following New York, Chicago, Washington and Toronto. Last year, Bryant signed a deal with Chinese web company to start a blog on the site. ‘This another deal for me that proves that we’re global,’ Bryant said. ‘And it obviously makes sense with them starting flights from L.A.'”